How to Check Your Cash Reserves in MyTriumph

Modified on Mon, 20 Jan at 8:27 PM


Checking your cash reserves is an important part of understanding how much cash you can access to address your trucking company’s financial needs. You can easily check your cash reserves online in a matter of seconds using MyTriumph 


Why You Should Check Your Cash Reserves 

  1. Explore the current value of cash reserves, escrow balances and a running balance of your account(s). 

  • View chargebacks, fuel advance cash reserve payments, reserve releases and short pays for specific date spans.  

  • Search by invoice, PO, load, payment number, customer name or MC number.  

  • Access customizable reports for a deeper dive into your financials. 


Important Reminders About Checking Your Cash Reserves 

  • Cash reserves can be used to maintain healthy cash flow in your trucking business. 

  • Funds from cash reserves can also be used to purchase new equipment and expand your fleet. 



Step-by-Step Instructions on How To Check Cash Reserves on MyTriumph 


Check Cash Reserves via Dashboard: 

  1. 1. Log into your MyTriumph account. 

  1. 2. Next, click on Dashboard, which is located in the lefthand navigation menu.  

  1. 3. Once you click on Dashboard, view your Cash Reserve and Escrow Reserve balances under         the Reserve Balance section on the righthand side of your screen. 

  1. 4. Click on View Full Report within the Reserve Balance box to link to your Cash Reserve Reports     for more details.  


Check Cash Reserves using Reports: 

  1. 1. Log into your MyTriumph account. 

  1. 2. Then click on Reports, which is located in the lefthand navigation menu.  

  1. 3. Once you click on Reports, click on Cash Reserves in the drop-down menu. 

  1. 4. View the current balances of your cash reserves, including: transaction dates, ID numbers,     

  2.     payment ID numbers, invoice names, customers names, activity types, amounts, portion    

  3.     applied to A/R, net reserve change and the reserve balance for each transaction. 

  1. 5. To view your cash reserves for a specific time frame, use the 1 month, 3 months, 12 months or     Custom buttons to narrow your search. 

  2. 6. To filter the results based on activity type, click on the Activity Type button and choose the    

  3.     activities you’d like displayed by checking the boxes for what you’d like to see. 

  1. 7. Use the Search tool to search by Invoice, PO, Load, Payment Number, Customer Name or MC     Number. 

  1. 8. To customize your Cash Reserves report, click/tap on Customize View next to the gear symbol      on the top righthand side of the screen. 

  1. 9.  Click on hyperlinks within the Cash Reserves Report for more detail on each transaction. 


 Be sure to watch the video for a step-by-step overview of the process.